Embarrassing Bodies (Netflix) – This one is “Not Rated” which means all bets are off as far as censorship rules go. With that said, 3 physicians visit 4 cities in England and give free exams to people who are suffering from potentially serious medical issues that the patients are just too embarrassed to see their general practitioner about.
We all have a body and that’s all we’ve been issued. Everyone has a flaw in there somewhere, and it deserves a physician’s review to prevent things from worsening, if not at least for your own piece of mind. This show takes a light approach to a difficult subject for every person, not one of us is excluded. Not. One.
If you’re offended by being naked or seeing other naked humans in a clinical setting, then you are absolutely the first person that needs to watch the first episode, start to finish. Next, get to a licensed medical doctor, force your way through embarrassment, and ask if you should continue to worry about whatever your concern is. You have one. It’s okay to ask.
No physician will judge you for being concerned about being ill, or for actually being ill for that matter. But no one can help you after you’ve lost because you didn’t seek treatment.